'With the clients at While-Yellow Cross: ‘Everyone works with the same objective data.’
The White-Yellow Cross (WGK) is 80 years young and is the largest homecare provider in Belgium. The organisation’s nurses also play a preventative and advisory role, while the clients and caregivers also have plenty to say in what goes on. The core values? Familiar faces, carefully calibrated procedures and science-based care that has a human side to it. Hilde Baetens, manager, healthcare innovation projects East Flanders, tells us more.
Government and individuals initiatives
Hilde has been with the WGK for a while: ‘I started as a nurse in 1980 and after 3 years I became a ward sister. When minister Vandeurzen introduced the healthcare innovation projects in 2010, they were looking to hire someone from within the White-Yellow Cross for the East Flanders region. After 25 years as a senior nurse, I was ready for a new challenge.’ Which is how Hilde came to know about Pyxicare: ‘In the early years we only had the government application, but it was cumbersome and unwieldy. For instance there was a need to keep logging on using our identity card. Or the fact that assessments could take all day to do because there was always a waiting time.’
Practical progress
Ease of use was the main thing in making the move to the new system: ‘With Pyxicare you work from home beforehand, as well as directly online when you’re with the client. Pyxicare also works on a tablet, whereas the government app is laptop only. This makes it easier both for the nurse and the client, because a laptop tends to form a physical barrier.’ Pyxicare was a conscious investment for Hilde: ‘We have 4 healthcare innovation projects on the go in East Flanders, including SOM+, dealing with vulnerable older people. Pyxicare is perfect for this type of project. Results are available immediately, care programmes are customised for the client, you can consult with all of the parties involved and so on.’
Leaders and followers
As a pioneer in the innovation process, Hilde also presents training courses in Pyxicare. ‘Not everyone is on the same level, of course. Some people see it purely as extra work. But then I show them a photo covering all the client issues, from incontinence to possible dementia.’ Which is an effective approach to take: ‘Their reaction is one of surprise, but positive. Which is only logical, because they no longer have to go looking for specific points in their work; Pyxicare gives it to them on a plate.’ Nurses are more hands-on by nature, says Hilde. ‘It generates the necessary self-confrontation and it means that they don’t just go and wash and dress the client 3 times a day, but where appropriate they can encourage their patients to take care of themselves, plus giving them tips from the occupational therapist.’
Working (together) more efficiently
Consultations between the various healthcare providers go well: ‘Everyone works with the same objective data, which means that solutions can be found faster and more easily. GPs and specialists, especially the young generation, feel more part of the care team than having to dominate it.’ Working together to keep clients in their own home for longer: ‘Previously, the client discussion was held at the office. Everyone had their own personal opinion (smiles). But now we take the results directly to the client: does he want to do something about his ability to exercise and get moving about, can we provide him with any assistance, etc.?’
Consciously continuing to invest
Hilde remains committed: ‘I believe in individual motivation, especially when it’s proactive. If I take a questionnaire with me to the client, I contact the local nurse so that he or she can see the difference between the results after 300 questions compared with just 3 questions. But you don’t just get the results, you also get the targets and now even the procedures.’ The White-Yellow Cross goes for teams that can run themselves: ‘The nanny state and interfering hierarchy are a thing of the past. Pyxicare is an intensive investment that is generating more returns with clients who have complex care needs. After 35 years in the profession, I am seeing the clear socialisation of care: clients can now also have their say in what happens to them.’

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